
Voting Position
2 year term elected on even years at the CMLA AGM

  • Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties.
  • Be responsible for the care, control and custody of all finances and financial records of the CMLA.
  • Be responsible for all of the association’s funds, writing of cheques, bank deposits, etc.
  • Maintain a continuous record, which must be kept up to date. Records to be maintained for a period of seven years.
  • Be responsible for submitting and monitoring all grants and fundraising applications.
  • Draft and present a current financial report at every executive meeting.
  • Draft and present a complete financial statement including a balance sheet, statement of current assets, accounts receivables and accounts payables including a copy of the operating budget for the same calendar year to the President at the AGM.
  • Upon leaving the position, he/she shall turn over all books, papers, vouchers, invoices, cash and control of all bank accounts to their successor or the President.
  • Be a signing officer of the CMLA.