Registration for the 2025 season is NOW OPEN. Click HERE to register for the 2025 Box Lacrosse season.

If you have questions, please review our FAQ at the bottom of this page or contact us at


Division Ages

U7     5-6 yrs  (2019-2020)
U9     7-8 yrs  (2017-2018)
U11   9-10 yrs  (2015-2016)
U13   11-12 yrs  (2013-2014)
U15   13-14 yrs  (2011-2012)
U17   15-16 yrs  (2009-2010)
Female Jr  17-21 years  (2004-2008)

All ages determined as of January 1st of the playing year.

U7 Mini Tyke must be 4 years of age by January 1 of playing year.

New Player Documents

New players are required to provide a copy of their birth certificate, Carecare number, and two (2) of the following current residency documents (must be current as of December 31 of the year prior to season):
1. Property tax bill
2. Hydro bill
3. Gas bill
4. Cable or satellite bill

Above documents can be brought to your first session after registration or emailed to CMLA Registrar at

CMLA Registrar may ask for additional proof of residency as needed.

Player Eligibility

Registration with Chilliwack Minor Lacrosse is available to residents of the City of Chilliwack only including the areas of Chilliwack River Valley, Columbia Valley, Cultus Lake, Greendale, Popkum, Rosedale, Ryder Lake and Yarrow.

Players from outside of the City of Chilliwack must register with the association located in their municipality.

CMLA reserves the right to refuse membership.  Please review operating policy for more information.

Uniform & Equipment

Mustangs provide the use of home and away jerseys for each player prior to league season start.  Jersey deposits are required.

All players must wear Mustangs shorts as part of their uniform.  Shorts may be purchased during registration or rented from the club with a refundable deposit.

Optional Mustangs socks may be purchased during registration.

Players are required to provide their own equipment with the except of dedicated goaltenders.  For a complete list of equipment required, please click here.

Registration Fees

U7  $135.00
U9  $195.00
U11  $285.00
U13   $295.00
U15   $305.00
U17   $315.00

Registration fees include a team photo, use of CMLA uniforms, insurance and floor time.

Sibling Discount:
Oldest child is full price, 2nd child receives 10% discount, 3rd and subsequent children receive 20% discount.

Refund Policy

All registration fee refund requests MUST be applied in writing to the Club Registrar and are subject to the following deadlines:
A) Prior to March 1st, a full refund will be issued, less a $25.00 administration fee.
B) Prior to April 1st, a 50% refund will be issued.
C) No refund given after April 1st, except for valid medical reason and subject to CMLA approval.

In the event of a season cancellation due to Public Health Orders, refunds will be pro-rated.



Need Financial Assistance?

Chilliwack Minor Lacrosse works with some generous supporters of youth sports.

Please visit one of these organizations to apply for financial assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Chilliwack Minor Lacrosse
P.O. Box 2046
Sardis Station Main
Chilliwack, BC
V2R 1A5


The CMLA name and logo may only be used, by others, if a written request has been granted by the Board of Directors.

© 2020 Chilliwack Minor Lacrosse Association